It's been awhile since I have updated this blog. I have a good reason though! I have been busy...well, my body has been busy. On October 22nd, Jake and I found out that we are going to have our first baby! We're pretty excited! I feel like I have been pretty lucky so far since I haven't had any morning sickness, but I have been EXTREMELY exhausted. I have also had some bad migraines. Things should get better soon...but then the uncomfortableness will start. hehe.
We did get to "see" our little one for the first time a few weeks ago. I didn't really know what to expect when I went for the ultrasound. It was so cool to look up at the screen and see the little baby there. There really isn't any way to describe what it's like to see your child for the first time and hear its heartbeat. It just makes you melt. It's like, "Whoa...there is a baby in me!" hehehe. We'll have to wait about 6 more weeks until our next ultrasound to find out if it'll be a boy or a girl.
It's kind of late now and the baby and I need our rest. I'll have to be sure to try to remember to update a little more frequently. :)
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