Lizzy now has 2 teeth! Her 2 lower, central incisors have come through! It wasn't the most pleasant experience for Lizzy or mommy, but I think we made it through just fine. She went through a period of about a week where she was fussy. We only had 1 really fussy night, in which she woke up every 2 hours. This experience did almost give mommy a heart attack. One morning, Lizzy was sitting on the floor and playing with her toys. She started crying, so I went to check on her. I noticed some blood around her mouth! Seeing blood coming from your baby's mouth is enough to give any mommy a minor heart attack. I looked in her mouth and saw a teeny, tiny, little white tooth cutting through. I had no idea that teething could make a baby bleed! Now I know. Hopefully the rest of her teeth don't give us too much trouble! :)
- Jake & Christina
- We just got married August 1, 2009 and are excited to start our new life together! On May 7, 2010 we had our first child - Elizabeth Grace. We thought we would keep a blog about our many little adventures. We also like photography a lot and hope to be able to share photos.
Jake & Christina

About Us
Elizabeth Grace
Our precious little girl!
our doggie
Writers itch9 years ago
The Age of Aquarius13 years ago
Changing My Blog Address14 years ago
Fancy, New Blog!14 years ago
My Beautiful Niece!14 years ago
Denver Day 115 years ago
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Lizzy now has 2 teeth! Her 2 lower, central incisors have come through! It wasn't the most pleasant experience for Lizzy or mommy, but I think we made it through just fine. She went through a period of about a week where she was fussy. We only had 1 really fussy night, in which she woke up every 2 hours. This experience did almost give mommy a heart attack. One morning, Lizzy was sitting on the floor and playing with her toys. She started crying, so I went to check on her. I noticed some blood around her mouth! Seeing blood coming from your baby's mouth is enough to give any mommy a minor heart attack. I looked in her mouth and saw a teeny, tiny, little white tooth cutting through. I had no idea that teething could make a baby bleed! Now I know. Hopefully the rest of her teeth don't give us too much trouble! :)
During this past month, she has gotten really good at sitting up without support. She will still occasionally wobble and fall over, but that doesn't happen too often. We always make sure there is a soft pillow behind her though.
She has also started scooting around while laying on her back. She scoots along her head while pushing with her legs. I hope this doesn't cause her to lose any hair! I'm thinking crawling won't be too far away!
About a week ago, Lizzy cut her first tooth. One of her lower central incisors broke through her gums. The second one quickly followed. At first you could only feel them, but now you can see them! She keeps rubbing her fingers against them and chewing on things.
Lizzy is a very happy baby. She is always smiling, giggling, laughing, and talking. She LOVES attention. She always tries to get people to talk to her whenever we are out. She also loves to grab everything; people's faces, Sophie's fur, toys, food off of your plate (if you aren't looking), etc. She has also started "dancing" to music. She rocks back and forth and bounces. Peek-a-boo has also become one of her favorite games.
It definitely doesn't feel like 6 months have passed, but they have! I'm sure these next 6 will fly by as well! Before we know it, she'll already be a year old. Crazy! I'm excited to experience so many more things with her. :)
It has definitely been way too long since I last signed into my Blogger account. I thought it was about time for an update.
Lizzy just experienced her first Halloween last week. She dressed up as Princess Leia. I thought it was fitting because she is in love with Star Wars. I think the brightness of the lightsabers, blasters, and explosions is what makes her so interested in it. We couldn't spend too much money on her costume. Rent is expensive. Student loans are expensive. Jake's car needed some repairs. Jake doesn't have a job. Teachers don't make much money. So, needless to say, we didn't have money budgeted for a Halloween costume for Lizzy. I thought I would try to make it myself. Here are some pictures of how it turned out. I was pretty happy with the result. :)