Lizzy now has 2 teeth! Her 2 lower, central incisors have come through! It wasn't the most pleasant experience for Lizzy or mommy, but I think we made it through just fine. She went through a period of about a week where she was fussy. We only had 1 really fussy night, in which she woke up every 2 hours. This experience did almost give mommy a heart attack. One morning, Lizzy was sitting on the floor and playing with her toys. She started crying, so I went to check on her. I noticed some blood around her mouth! Seeing blood coming from your baby's mouth is enough to give any mommy a minor heart attack. I looked in her mouth and saw a teeny, tiny, little white tooth cutting through. I had no idea that teething could make a baby bleed! Now I know. Hopefully the rest of her teeth don't give us too much trouble! :)
Writers itch
9 years ago
OOOH Lizzy! Teething must be the worst... I can't wait to see you all on the 27th!!! xoxoxo auntie jessie
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